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Showing posts from May, 2018

Quarter 4 Reflection

This quarter in e-Comm we got into groups to create a product and advertise it. we did this to show all of the skills we learned throughout the year in e9. We worked on the project the whole fourth quarter which seems to become very long and extensive. During this quarter as a group we faced many challenges. We ofter had creative block and would just sit the trying to figure out what to do. During this we learned that it was best to just take some time to focus on something else and then come back to it later. After making our first video we were told that if we tried a different idea might portray the product better so we took the advice and refilled our video. Overall I think the this quarter was very fund a great way to rap up the year. Since we had the whole class to work on the project it was very easy to get distracted, we had to use time management and stay on task. When we had extra time we usually just stat workingon something else or tried ways to make our product be...