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Showing posts from August, 2017

Sidewalk Chalk Art

         Over the past three days we worked as a group to create a symbol that represented us. The First day we were randomly assigned groups, once we were put into groups we were told to think of a symbol that represents our selves. The teachers taught us about ancient art and symbols. For example if you played soccer your cold do a soccer ball to represent you. then they said how colors can represent something to, like in a flag the colors could represent peace or war.        My groups members were Annabelle, Kate, and Andrew. Overall as a group we worked very well together. The first thing we did was work together to try to think of out symbols. Mine was a pointe shoe to represent dance, Annabelle's were pom poms to represent cheer, Kate' was a painting brush because she likes art, and Andrew's was a baseball and bat because he plays baseball. Then once we had our symbols we decided to put them in a code of arms.      ...